Now You Access Calling on the Matchmaker (A Shanahan Match #1)

Calling on the Matchmaker (A Shanahan Match #1)Calling on the Matchmaker (A Shanahan Match #1)

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Book Descriptions :

Haunted by the death of her sister, Finola Shanahan has resolved that she's not worthy of a family of her own and commits to spending her days caring for immigrants in the slums. Unwilling to consider marriage, Finola has perfected the ability to sabotage the relationships her parents arrange for her. At wit's end, her father calls upon the local Irish matchmaker, who pairs her with successful wagonmaker Riley Rafferty. After her usual tricks fail, Finola quickly realizes she can't outsmart or outwit the dashing, determined, and daring man.A candidate in the St. Louis mayoral election, Riley is confident a union with the wealthy Shanahan family will help solidify his chances of winning--and even more assured he and Finola can make a difference together. When a cholera outbreak begins to take St. Louis by storm, they must navigate a burgeoning attraction and growing danger testing all they know about love and sacrifice.Escape to 1849 St. Louis for a daring and romantic tale from the .

Book Details :

Author : Jody Hedlund

Pages : 352 pages

Publisher : Bethany House Publishers

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 89011586-calling-on-the-matchmaker

ISBN-13 : 9780764241963


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